Centering Prayer
Thursday 10:30am Centering Prayer is a receptive method of Christian silent prayer which deepens our relationship with God, the Indwelling Presence...a prayer in which we can experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. We meet weekly in Garrett Chapel. For more information contact 727-785-1601 or [email protected]. |
Friday 10:00am to 11:30am GriefShare is a 13-week grief support program designed to help those among us grieving the loss of a loved one to be able to journey from mourning to joy. Meetings are held weekly in the Parish Library. (Onetime $20 for the workbook/scholarships available). Starting Spring Session February 14th, 2025. For information contact Cindy at 727-785-1601 ex.6 or email [email protected] Fr. Peter and Maria Foran - Facilitators |
Caregiver Support Group
Friday 1:30pm-2:30pm If you are caring for someone, who is caring for you? Providing support and care for a loved one can seem like an overwhelming job, but you are not alone. Thousands of families in the Tampa Bay area are in that situation and we are here to offer you the support, understanding, learning, and hope you need to carry on with this difficult responsibility. Meetings are held weekly in the Parish Library. For information contact Cindy at 727-785-1601 ex.6 or email [email protected] |
St. Alfred's Book Club
First Wednesday of the month 10:00am We are an informal group of men and women who enjoy reading and sharing ideas. We get together in the Parish Library and via Zoom . Our gatherings are very social and informal. Books are selected by the members, who also often volunteer to lead the discussion. Watch for announcements in the service Bulletins and in our electronic newsletter, The Banner. No dues, no bylaws, just interesting conversation – and – we continue to learn from our reading and one another! |
Sunday Coffee Fellowship
Sunday 11:15am The Coffee Hours following our Sunday services are an important weekly ministry that provide a time to greet visitors and newcomers, support the members of our parish, catch up with friends, and share news about our activities, ministries and events. Volunteers make coffee, put out an array of delicacies, and serve as hosts. All are welcome to join us in fellowship and/or to serve. |
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursday 8:30pm A weekly discussion meeting. We meet in Reister Hall. All Welcome |
St. Alfred's Episcopal Church
1601 Curlew Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 (727) 785-1601 [email protected] Worship Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM - Eucharist Rite I Sunday: 10:00AM - Eucharist Rite II Thursday: 12:00PM - Healing Service |