Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King (DOK) is a world-wide order for women who are members of the Episcopal church or churches in communion with the Episcopal Church. Members undertake a Rule of Life that includes The Rule of Prayer and The Rule of Service. For more information, please contact [email protected]. |
Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV)
LEVs are adult members of the parish who are licensed to bring communion and the love and prayers of the parish to members who are in the hospital, rehab centers, assisted living facilities or homebound. Visits are scheduled through the Parish Office. If you’d like to receive a visit, please contact Cindy at 727-785-1601, ex 6 or email at [email protected]. |
Music is a vital part of worship at St. Alfred’s. Our mission is to proclaim the gospel with the finest possible choral and instrumental music. Our hope is that you will find meaning in the music, whether through participation in a choir, or in the congregation at services, or in the audience at the various concerts we offer. To learn more please contact Kevin at 727-785-1601, ex 3 [email protected]. |
Grower's Group
Fourth Saturday of the month at 8:30am Grower’s Group keeps St. Alfred’s in bloom. Green thumbs or want to be green thumbs are always welcome. If you would like to become part of this ministry, please contact [email protected]. |
Property Team
The Property Team does the heavy lifting at St. Alfred’s ensuring the buildings and grounds are well cared for, safe and lovely. If you would like to become part of this ministry, please contact [email protected]. |
Communications Team
The Communications Team coordinates St. Alfred’s Facebook, Website, Banner Newsletter and other mediums to provide clear communications to parishioners and to amplify St. Alfred’s message of love and acceptance to the world. If you would like to become part of this ministry, please contact [email protected]. |
St. Alfred's Episcopal Church
1601 Curlew Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 (727) 785-1601 [email protected] Worship Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM - Eucharist Rite I Sunday: 10:00AM - Eucharist Rite II Thursday: 12:00PM - Healing Service |